On individual Employment relationships
  • Rédaction, négociation et modification de contrats de travail (clauses spécifiques, rémunération variable, durée du travail, télétravail etc.)
  • Implementing variable remuneration plans
  • Procédures disciplinaires, problématiques de discrimination et de harcèlement moral ou sexuel
  • Assistance lors de contrôles de l’administration : DIRECCTE, URSSAF et Inspection du Travail
  • Negotiating and entering into mutual termination process and settlement agreements with employees
  • Advice and assistance in case of control from the French administration
  • Individual disputes with current or former employees related to the performance or the termination of the employment contract before Labor Courts
  • Individual litigation related to the execution or termination of the employment contract before the social courts
On collective employment relationships
  • Organizing staff representative bodies’ elections and managing relationships with elected employees (election process of the Social and Economic Committee, right of alert, internal regulations of staff representatives bodies, assistance during recurring or specific consultation process, etc.)
  • Implementing internal regulations (homeworking, variable remuneration, IT and social network, code of conduct, data protection, working time arrangement etc.)
  • Dealing with social aspects of reorganization / restructuring and business transfer (including collective redundancies, collective mutual terminations and collective performance agreements)
  • Dealing with health and safety issues (occupational accident and diseases, mandatory internal regulations, occupational risk assessment document etc.)
  • Implementing and revising healthcare, welfare and pension coverage
  • Social practices audit .